
Hi. I’m Helen Ledwick - journalist, tea enthusiast and runner with a small ‘r’. I started Why Mums Don’t Jump after struggling with my own pelvic floor problems - pelvic organ prolapse, to be specific.

My insides took a nosedive after the birth of my son in 2015 and I couldn’t find any decent information or support. I felt uncomfortable, ashamed and isolated. And I was angry too, because no one ever talked about it. So I decided that I would.

I ventured onto Instagram in 2018 as @whymumsdontjump and found that far too many women were suffering in silence with pelvic floor dysfunction. Like me, they were confused, anxious and fearful of movement, sometimes too embarrassed to even seek help.

In 2020 I launched a podcast to try to change things - to end the stigma around conditions like prolapse, incontinence and pelvic pain. By sharing women’s stories and speaking to experts, I wanted to give women the knowledge that I’d found so hard to come by, and comfort in knowing they were not on their own.

Since then WMDJ has gone from strength to strength. I’ve been blown away by the messages I’ve received from around the world, and the magical community that has grown around it. There are now four seasons of the (award-nominated) podcast, an incredible short film, and, of course, The Book!

What’s next? Watch this space!

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